The Emergency Department is open around the clock treating patients who require immediate care and whose symptoms or injuries would deteriorate without intervention.
When do you go to Emergency Department?
Emergency – Call 112
When a patient has a life-threatening condition, act immediately and call emergency number 112 without delay for help and instructions.
Emergency situation – Go immediately to Emergency Department
If you have any of the symptoms listed below, you require immediate medical attention and have to go to Oulu University Hospital Emergency Department.
The Emergency Department provides first aid for injuries and care for conditions requiring immediate medical intervention. Such conditions include for instance the following:
- Severe chest pain
- New symptoms of paralysis
- Severe bleeding (e.g. blood in vomit, large bleeding wound)
- Newborn with a temperature
- Larger injuries and fractures
- Impairment of conscious level, sudden confusion and disorientation
- Sudden severe headache
- Breathing difficulties
- Sudden or progressive stomach ache
- Severe earache not relieved by a painkiller.
Conditions requiring urgent care – Always call first 08 315 2655
Oulu University Hospital Emergency Department is open 24/7. Call the health guidance helpline (08) 315 2655 always before leaving for the Emergency Department. Your call is answered by a registered nurse who will assess your injury or symptoms and determine whether your condition requires emergency care at the Emergency Department and he or she is able to give you also the necessary guidance and instructions.
On weekdays, contact your local health care centre.
Before coming to Emergency Department
The Emergency department provides treatment for patients requiring basic or special health care. Before leaving for the Emergency Department, call our round-the-clock health guidance helpline 08 315 2655. Your call is answered by a registered nurse who will give you advice and instructions regarding your condition and assess the need for a nurse or doctor's consultation.
Patients are examined in order of urgency, not arrival. A senior nurse will assess the need and urgency of your care.
Your health issue may not require emergency treatment. In that case you get appropriate health care guidance, based on your symptoms, and you are advised to contact your health care centre the following weekday. If, however, your condition deteriorates, call the health guidance helpline 08 315 2655.
Bring the following documents with you
Patients are signed in by their personal ID code and therefore you need a proof of identity (for instance your KELA card, your child's health clinic (neuvola) card) with you.
If you have been treated due to your current condition in another health care facility, please take all information regarding the consultations with you.
Bring also an updated and valid list of all the medication you use (or all prescriptions of the medicines you are currently taking).
Contact details
Health care guidance and assessment of need of treatment at the Emergency Department.
tel. 08 315 2655
Visiting address, see map
Oulun yliopistollinen sairaala, OYS (Oulu University Hospital)
Kajaanintie 50, entrance A1
Postal address:
Oulun seudun yhteispäivystys,
PL 20, 90029 OYS
Invoicing and insurance issues Tel. 08 315 2031